We carry out strategic planning and programming activities, research, evaluation and specialist consultancy aimed at the Public Administration, Public Institutions and Agencies, Private Companies and Third Sector Entities.

Our Services

We provide guidance for governance, transformation and innovation processes:

Technical assistance in the planning, management and implementation of European and investment funds

We support the Public Administration both on a national and European level and on a regional and local level in the planning, management and implementation of Policies or Programs co-financed by the Structural Funds or by other European and / or national funding sources.
  • Programming and strategic planning of national and community funds
  • Drafting of programming documents
  • Integrated consultancy and project management
  • Support in preparation of calls for tenders and notices
  • Investigation and evaluation of projects and programs
  • Legal and technical-legal assistance and advice to administrations
  • Preparation of expenditure management and control systems
  • Preparation of reporting procedures and tools
  • Evaluation and control of the adequacy and efficiency of spending

Monitoring and control

We provide for both monitoring services of public policy and projects or interventions financed by the Structural Funds or other European and / or national, funding sources as well as services for administrative, accounting, technical and financial control activities.
  • Design and implementation of physical, procedural and financial monitoring systems
  • Activation of procedures and monitoring tools di procedure e di strumenti di monitoraggio
  • Quantification of set of indicators and qualitative-quantitative analysis of monitoring data
  • Preparation of administrative and accounting control procedures
  • Implementation of first and second technical, administrative and accounting level controls


We support the managing and effectiveness of interventions related to policies, programs or interventions,verifying the results and impacts produced.
  • Ex-ante, in itinere and ex post evaluation of national and EU programs and policies and projects
  • Impact assessment of national and community programs and of policies and projects
  • Thematic evaluation on specific strategic and / or transversal aspects of the programs
  • Support to the Public Administration for strategic environmental assessment (SEA), regulatory impact analysis (RIA), regulatory impact assessment (RIA) and Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA)
  • Social and environmental balance

Socio-economic and institutional research

We carry out analyses and insights to support an effective and innovative managing of public policies, in places of multiple work areas of the company. The in-depth study of fundamental issues in the socio-economic and institutional field allows us to intercept the innovation processes in progress, to grasp the dynamics and evolution of the analysed events and to use all this informative background in support of programming and managing processes, to the strengthening of the governance of the Clients.
  • Analysis in the different work areas of the company (link) on a European, national and regional level
  • Quantitative investigations
  • Qualitative investigations with individual and group methods and techniques
  • Benchmarking analysis between experiences and different countries

Support for socio-economic and territorial development policies

We provide support for the planning and implementation of interventions and policies by verifying the convenience and environmental, socio-economic, administrative, institutional, legal and technical sustainability
  • Analysis of socio-economic and territorial systems
  • Scenario, foresight and benchmarking analysis
  • Feasibility studies and cost / benefit analyses of policies, projects and interventions
  • Analysis of quality and satisfaction of local public services
  • Territorial and tourism marketing
  • Strategic advisory to stakeholders
  • Support for the co-planning of interventions and services
  • Technical-legal and financial assistance in the context of proceedings aimed at establishing public-private partnerships (PPPs)
  • Research-Action

Capacity building and training

We build and offer learning paths and training interventions for the acquisition of knowledge and skills for the improvement of institutional and administrative capacity and on specific issues in relation to territories and services. The proposed learning paths are calibrated on the needs of the people involved and on the sharing of objectives, methods, tools and results.
  • Design of capacity building paths aimed at the acquisition of specialised skills for managing, monitoring and evaluating interventions financed by structural funds
  • Accompanying and flanking actions with central and local administrations aimed at supporting the improvement of institutional and administrative capacity
  • Provision of targeted courses for the acquisition of specialist skills for the Public Administration and third sector entities
  • Design, maintenance and development of regional repertoires of professional figures and skills certification systems consistent with the new regulatory framework

National and European planning

We support the Public Administration and Third Sector Entities in the construction of national and European projects, also through sharing and co-planning paths.
  • Design in the context of programs and projects financed with direct and indirect European funds
  • Technical-specialist support to the Public Administration for the presentation and preparation of project proposals
  • Technical-specialist support to Third Sector Entities for the construction and presentation of project proposals


We support the Public Administration in the preparation and implementation of communication plans relating to Policies and Programs.
  • Support for the organisation and strategic planning of communication
  • Audience analysis and segmentation
  • Support and organisation of participatory planning (staff, stakeholders, partners and communities)
  • Branding and digital strategy

Our projects

We provide guidance for public and private institutions and actors in governance, transformation and innovation processes.

Ongoing projects

Ci vuole un villaggio. Una comunità in gioco per creare futuro
CLIENT Il Samaritano Onlus
PRIOD 2021
Servizio Controlli di primo livello sulle operazioni dell’Asse 7 e dell’Azione 3.4.3 del POR FESR 2014 2020
CLIENT Artea Toscana
PRIOD 2023
Supporto tecnico-amministrativo per Bandi Per Chi Crea
PRIOD 2024

Closed projects